London Region

Pub Protection

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CAMRA Greater London Region Pub Protection Strategy - Version 4.1

Draft London Plan - written statement for the Examination in Public

CAMRA responds to the draft London plan

CAMRA Greater London Response to the Draft London Plan is now available to download. This is to be read in conjunction with the plan which can be read here.

CAMRA London Commentary on BBPA Briefing

The CAMRA London Commentary on BBPA Briefing is now online.

Saving Pubs Toolkit

The Saving Pubs Toolkit originally published in the London Drinker is now available online.

ACV Update

Tribunal decisions on CAMRA Branches’ eligibility to nominate Assets of Community Value (ACVs) – an informal briefing note from Greater London CAMRA

Pubs Matter

The Technical Consultation on Planning - CAMRA Greater London Response has been published.

CAMRA Greater London Response to Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan

CAMRA's response to Further Alterations to the London Plan
Further Statement on Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan

CAMRA Greater London Response to Social Infrastructure Draft SPG

Response to Social Infrastructure Draft SPG

A CAMRA London Pub Protection Strategy

Protecting London’s pub heritage – a planning policy failure. The Regional Director's strategic objective was to bring the demolition or any change of use of a pub within planning controls. Planning applications would mean community consultation. In a majority of cases, development might be welcomed and approved, but some historic pubs would be saved that would otherwise be demolished or converted to other uses if existing permitted development rights remained.

A new forum was required at London CAMRA regional level for those acting as Branch Pub Protection Officers to support each other in high profile pub campaigns, spread best practice in supporting their local planning officers and councillors in implementing appropriate pub protection policies and maintain collective political pressure to close the permitted development loopholes in the current planning framework. This role was separate from and additional to the architectural pub heritage preservation and promotion remit of the London Pubs Group

The London CAMRA website should document and publicise evolving pub protection strategy and active pub campaigns. Version 2 of the first draft strategy document can be downloaded below:-

CAMRA Greater London Pub Protection Strategy v3.1

Other Resources

Permitted Development – Killing our Pubs!
Sustainable Communities Act - Proposal Protecting Community Pubs
An Asset of Community Value saved from illegal development
Admiral Mann Press Release - More can be done by locals to prevent pub closures
London A-Z of planning and culture
CAMRA Press Release on 600 Asset of Community Value Pubs whilst calling for planning loopholes to be closed

Seminar held on 31st May 2014 - Downloads of presentations

The Battle for London's Pubs - Spring 2014 Update - James Watson

Pub Protection in the Planning System - Vincent Stops

Case Studies 1 The Canterbury Arms / The George IV, Brixton - Bill Linskey
Case Studies 2 The Swan & Edgar - John Cryne
Case Studies 3 The Prince Edward, Hackney - James Watson

Group Session 1 Publicity & Influencing Decision Makers - Christine Cryne
Group Session 4 General Permitted Development Order, A4Ds - John Cryne

CAMRA London Pub Protection Strategy - James Watson / Geoff Strawbridge

Other material from the seminar

Points Raised in Discussion
Summaries of 'speed dating' presentations
Final observations - Mick Lewis
Saving Pubs - The Chelsea Experience - Michael Bach
Swan & Edgar Planning Committee Report
Fleurets - Pubs sold for alternative uses in 2013