London Region

Champion Beer of London

For several years, London has been running the Champion Beer of London at a London Beer Festival.

The aim is to promote the best cask beer brewed by a London brewer. The decision on which beers are judged comes from the members' voting for the Champion Beer of Britain and London's Tasting Panel.

The 2024 winners are listed below

For the full list of beers judged in 2024 see: CBOL BEERS 2024.

Winner of the Session Bitters Category Anspach & Hobday The Ordinary Bitter

Winner of the Premium Bitters Category Fuller’s ESB

Winner of the IPA Category Anspach & Hobday The IPA

Winner of the Speciality Category Portobello Market Porter

Winner of Session Pale, Blond and Golden Ales Category Wimbledon SW19

Winner of Premium Pale, Blond and Golden Ales Category Five Points Pale

Winner of the Brown & Red Ales, Old Ales and Strong Milds Southwark Routemaster Red

Winner of the Session Porters & Stouts Category Sambrook’s Powerhouse Porter

Winner of the Strong Porters & Stouts Category East London Quadrant Stout

Overall Winners

Gold: Anspach & Hobday The IPA Silver: Fuller’s ESB Bronze: Sambrook’s Powerhouse Porter

2023 Winners

The 2023 winners are listed below. For the full list of 2023 beers judged, see: Shortlisted beers CBoL 2023

Winner of the Session Bitters Category: Anspach & Hobday - The Ordinary Bitter

Winner of the Premium Bitters Category: Fuller’s - Gales HSB

Winner of the IPA Category: Signature - Backstage IPA

Winner of the Speciality Category: Sambrook’s - Lavender Pale

Winner of Session Pale, Blond and Golden Ales Category: Five Points - XPA

Winner of Premium Pale, Blond and Golden Ales Category: Hammerton - N7

Winner of the Milds Category: Tap East - East End Mild

Winner of the Brown & Red Ales, Old Ales and Strong Milds: Portobello - Chestnut Ale

Winner of the Session Porters & Stouts Category: London Brewing Company - 100 Oyster Stout

Winner of the Strong Porters & Stouts Category: Redemption - Fellowship Porter

Overall Winners

Gold: London Brewing Company - 100 Oyster Stout

Silver: Fuller’s - Gales HSB

Bronze: Five Points - XPA