London Region

Recent Planning Applications

Last updated 11 September 2022. For applications for new pubs see here. Applications coloured red have been approved.

PubIdNameStreetPostcodeAppDescBchLocal AuthorityDate
ESW/10985EastbrookDagenham RoadRM10 7UP22/01479/FULLConstruction of a double storey side extension, rear extension and loft conversionSWEBarking & Dagenham26/08/22
MDX/11900New Moon25-26 Kenton Park ParadeHA3 8DNP/2964/22Change of use from public house (use class suI generis) to retail unit (use class e); WMHarrow18/08/22
MDX/12016Hambrough TavernThe Broadway, SouthallUB1 1NG223545FULDemolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site for a part 5, part 17 storey building plus basement, comprising 118 build to rent residential units (Use Class C3) , public house (Use Class E(b), community space (Use Class F2(b), formation of vehicular access, car and cycle parking; hard and soft landscaping; associated amenity spaceWMEaling27/07/22
NLD/5896Duke Of Edinburgh83 Mayes RoadN22 6TNHGY/2022/0723Erection of a rear, side and roof extension to existing public house to create 21no. guest rooms (use class: C1) across first, second and third floors. Erection of a 5 storey building to the rear to provide 9no. residential flats (use class: C3), together with a glazed link. Construction of a basement extension to serve retained public house.NLHaringey26/07/22
WLD/16255Station House2 Grove Park RoadW4 3SG P/2022/2425Part change of use of ground floor public house to residential together with extension at first and second floors and new two storey element set at lower ground floor with lightwell to accommodate six residential unitsR&HHounslow25/07/22
ELC/14997St Brides Tavern1 Bridewell PlaceEC4V 6AP22/00622/FULMAJPartial demolition of Fleet House and full demolition of St Bride's Tavern Public house (retention of basement levels) and the erection of a part replacement building with roof extension to provide an 8 storey building for office use (Class E) at levels 1-8, with office lobby (Class E) and commercial space (Class E) at ground floor and mezzanine level, and public house/cafe/restaurant (sui generis) at ground floor level and part basement level; new pedestrian and servicing route from St Brides Lane to Bridewell Place. | 8 - 12 New Bridge Street London EC4V 6AL ELACCity of London07/07/22
BEX/068Charcoal299 Main RoadDA14 6QL22/01722/FULChange of Use from Sui Generis (Public House) to Class E (Restaurant Bar and Lounge), additional part two/part one storey extension to form Shisha lounges and provision of additional car parking spaces. BEXBexley05/07/22
ELC/14340Acorn149 Queensbridge RoadE2 8PB2022/1596Change of Use of ground floor from drinking establishment (Sui Generis use) to retail shop (Use Class E(a)) Granted 23/08/22ELACTower Hamlets28/06/22
SEL/10918Royal185 Court RoadSE9 4UG22/2124/FConstruction of a single storey side and rear extension with part fixed glass, part retractable roofs and part flat roof to the two sides of the public house and landscaping, parking, cycle parking, refuse/recycle storage, boundary fencing details and relocation of external ducting/flue to the side elevation.SELGreenwich24/06/22
ELC/14340Acorn149 Queensbridge RoadE2 8PB2022/1596Change of Use of ground floor from drinking establishment (Sui Generis use) to retail shop (Use Class E(a)) Granted 23/08/22ELACTower Hamlets28/06/22
NLD/6144Lillie Langtry121 Abbey RoadNW6 4SL2022/2542/PDemolition and redevelopment of Emminster and Hinstock blocks including Belsize Priory Health Centre, Abbey Community Centre, public house and commercial units to provide new residential accommodation (Use Class C3) and ground floor commercial space (Use Class E/Sui Generis) to be used as flexible commercial units, across three buildings ranging from 4 to 11 storeys, along with car and bicycle parking, landscaping and all necessary ancillary and enabling works. NLCamden15/06/22
SEL/10641Edmund Halley27 LeegateSE12 8SSDC/22/126997Proposed development at Leegate Shopping Centre SE12, bounded by Burnt Ash Road, Eltham Road, Leyland Road and Carston Close, for the demolition of existing buildings, and the construction of buildings up to 15-storeys (including basement level) to provide a comprehensive mixed use development including residential (Use Class C3), flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class E), a community centre (Use Class F2) and a public house (Sui Generis), together with associated public realm, landscaping and highways improvements, vehicular access, car parking and servicing arrangements, cycle parking and stores, and all other ancillary worksSELSouthwark14/06/22
NLD/5741Green Gate492 West Green RoadN15 3DAHGY/2022/1857Rear extension to existing mixed use building (Public house on the ground floor with residential use of the upper floors) and conversion of an existing loft space into a habitable mansard roof in order to provide a total of 5no. additional self-contained units. Rejected 9/8/22NLHaringey14/06/22
SEL/13628Manor of Walworth140 Walworth RoadSE17 1JL22/AP/2012Change of use of existing public house with hotel rooms above to accommodate 5 karaoke booths at basement (lower ground) level within the existing public house, together with consolidated public house use at upper ground to second floor level and provision of 3 hotel rooms at third floor level, creation of an accessible terrace to the rear of the public house and associated works of physical refurbishment and alteration to the listed building. SWLSouthwark08/06/22
NLD/5869Brendan the Navigator80-90 Highgate Hill N19 5NQP2022/1599/FULPartial demolition/reconfiguration of the external terrace relating to the existing public house and the redevelopment of the adjacent hardstanding car park for the construction of five (3 x 3 bed and 2 x 2-bed) self-contained dwellinghouses (C3 use) and associated alterations.NLIslington26/05/2022
SEL/10430Montague Arms289 Queens RoadSE15 2PADC/22/126937Refurbishment of ground floor and an extension to the basement of public house (Use Class Sui Generis) at Montague Arms 289 Queens Road SE15, together with a part single/part two storey extension to the upper floors to provide 6 self-contained flats (Use Class C3) and the provision of cycle and bin storage.SELLewisham25-May-22
ELC/14406Davy's25 Basinghall StreeEC2V 5HA Extensions, alterations and change of use including: (i) Change of use of part basement and part ground floor from sui generis (drinking establishment) to flexible Class E (retail/restaurant/office) and sui generis (drinking establishment) and extension at ground floor; (ii) single and double storey extensions at roof level to form new Class E(g) use (office); (iii) double height extension at ground floor to form enlarged office entrance at Basinghall Street; (iv) use of office fronting Coleman street for flexible Class E (retail/restaurant/office) and associated alterations to building entrances with open arcade and retail frontages; (v) creation of terraces to Basinghall Street, the south elevation, and at roof level and changes to existing terraces including installation of structures; (vi) hard and soft landscaping at Basinghall Street and Coleman Street; (vii) provision of ancillary external and internal cycle parking and facilities; (viii) installation of plant at roof level; and associated works.ELACCity of London12/05/22
HOU/6665Ham Brewery Tap4-6 Ham StreetTW10 7HT22/1411/FULChange of use from Public House with ancillary Staff Flat to Class E Veterinary Surgery with anciallry Staff FlatR&HRichmond11/05/22
ELC/100023Beer Hawk38 Charterhouse StreetEC1M 6JHP2022/1359/FULChange of use of the existing drinking establishment (lower ground, ground and first floor) (sui generis) to a flexible Class E use. Rejected 9 June 2022ELACIslington27/04/2022
NLD/6239Harlesden Picture Palace26 Manor Park RoadNW10 4JJ22/1480 Change of use of the Picture Palace from Use Classes Sui Generis (Public House) and C3 (Residential) to community centre Use Class Sui Generis (comprising Use Classes E, F1 and/or F2) and the creation of a mezzanine floor. Approved 12 June 2022NLBrent22/04/22
MDX/12196Drapers Arms25 High StreetW5 5DB221687FUL Construction of two buildings ranging in height from 3 - 8 storeys, to create a mixed use development comprising shared living rooms and associated communal amenity space (Use Class Sui Generis), public house (Use Class Sui Generis), town centre uses (Mixed Use Class E), landscaping, plant and all other associated works (following the demolition of existing building) WMEaling19/04/22
SEL/10703China Hall141 Lower RoadSE16 2XL22/AP/0459Change of use of drinking establishment (Sui Generis) at ground floor and basement to create 2 flats (Class C3) (1x3b & 1x 2b). SELSouthwark14/04/22
ESW/10177King Harold51 Station RoadRM3 0BSP0282.22Demolition of existing public house and residential units and erection of mixed use building comprising ground floor community cafe / pub and 25no. residential units, including provision of 6no. car parking spaces.SWEHavering05/04/22
ELC/13798Peacock145, Aylward StreetE1 0QWPA/22/00637/A1Conversion and extensions to existing Public House to provide 5 residential units. ELACTower Hamlets04/04/22
SEL/10826Windmill125-131 KIRKDALESE26 4QJDC/22/126199Change of use of the ground and lower floor from Public House (Sui Generis) to commercial, business and service (Class E)SELLewisham31/03/22
NLD/5686Two Brewers109-110 Roman WayN7 8URP2022/0545/FULDemolition of the existing building and erection of a new four storey plus basement building to provide a Public House use at (part) ground and basement levels with apartments on first, second and third floor levels with 4 self-contained residential units (3 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 bed ) with cycle storage, refuse & recycling facilities and associated alterations.NLIslington31/03/22
BEX/079Foresters Arms Upper Wickham Lane, Welling DA16 3ER22/00416/FUErection of two 2 bed semi-detached dwellings and reconfiguration of Public House car parkBEXBexley29/03/22
ELC/14710Brewhouse & KitchenTorrens StreetEC1V 1NQP2022/0871/FULApplication for full planning permission for the partial demolition of the existing building, construction of two new floors, reconfiguration of floorspace and renewal of the existing facades to provide new office floorspace (Use Class E), retail floorspace (Use Class E), a replacement public house (Sui Generis), plus new access arrangements, landscaping improvements, new public realm and other associated works.ELACIslington28/03/22
CRO/11517Jack And JillLonglands AvenueCR5 2QJDM2022/00394Part demolition of existing public house and erection of 5 two storey dwellings with accommodation in roof space, alteration to car parking, provision of bin/cycle storeage and amenity space. CROSutton22/03/22
SEL/10536Rose35 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TL22/01032/FULErection of a two storey roof extension to provide eight (2 x 3-bed 5-person, 2 x 2-bed 4-person and 2 x 1-bed 2-person) residential units; retention of the existing pub use at basement, ground and first floor; alongside an extension of the north facade .SELLambeth21/03/22
SWL/2878O'Neills66 The BroadwaySW19 1RQ22/P0542Change of Use of Ground Floor From Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis) to Restaurant (E) and Upper Floors From Commercial Ancillary to Provide No.2 Residential Dwellings (C3), in Addition to Demolition of Existing Rear Single-storey Extension and Erection of 3 Storey Addition to Provide 2 X Residential Dwellings and Extended Ground Floor Commercial Use, Together With Landscaping and Other Associated Works.SWLMerton15/03/22
SEL/10906Birds Nest2 CreeksideSE8 4SADC/22/125897Detailed planning permission for the demolition of the Bird's Nest Pub with retained north and west façade and its redevelopment for a new public house (Sui Generis) and commercial units (Class E) at ground floor, and the delivery of residential units (Class C3) on all other floors, together with access, servicing / yard space, cycle parking, amenity space and refuse provision and associated works SELLewisham09/03/22
NLD/5512Zenith was Packington Arms125 Packington Street London N1 7EAP2022/0476/FULChange of Use of Vacant Public House (Sui Generis) to 2x 2 bedroom apartments (Use Class C3) and associated alterations to the front and rear elevations. Rejected 27/04/2022NLIslington08/03/22
MDX/12191Ealing Park Tavern222 South Ealing RoadW5 4RL220906LBCExtensions to existing Grade II Listed Public House (Use Class Sui Generis) and ancillary former stable building, with retention of public house use at ground floor and partial change of use to provide 9 self-contained residential units (Use Class C3), with associated internal and external alterations, kitchen extraction, cycle storage, and refuse storage. (Listed Building Consent). Approved Fri 20 May 2022 WMEaling02/03/22
SWL/2743Duchess Belle (Duchess of York)101 Battersea Park Road SW8 4DS2022/0561Erection of a three storey extension and alterations to the existing public house (Use Class A4) to create 10 no. hotel rooms (Use Class C1).SWLWandsworth02/03/22
ELC/14340The Acorn, The Acorn, , Hackney, London,149 Queensbridge RoadE2 8PB2022/0554Change of use of ground floor from drinking establishment to retail (Use Class E1)ELACHackney01/03/22
SEL/10774Lord Clyde1 Brookhill RoadSE18 6UF22/0721/FChange of use of the existing premises from a Public House (use class C4) to Residential (Use class C3) via the conversion of the ground floor into 1 self contained 2-bedroom flat. Rejected 22/4/22SELGreenwich25/02/22
MDX/11964Liquor Station397A High RoadHA9 6AA22/0485Conversion of (derelict) first and second floors from function space (Use Class Sui Generis) into 4 self-contained flats (Use Class C3) with associated external changes to include formation of rear balconies and roof top terraces, alteration to fenestration and provision for cycle and refuse storagWMBrent11/02/22
SEL/10841Park Tavern56 Elder Road SE27 9ND22/00442/FULChange of use of the Public House (Sui Generis) into 5 self contained flats (Use Class C3), involving excavation to the existing basement plus the installation of 2 front light wells; the erection of a part one and part two storey rear extension; the erection of a rear dormer roof extension including a balcony and alterations to the existing rear dormer; the replacement of the ground floor front window with a door, together with the provision of refuse/recycling and cycle storages and hard/soft landscaping. SELLambeth08/02/22
BRO/12586Mitre164 Croydon RoadSE20 7YZ22/01001/FULL1Construction of third, fourth and mansard floors above existing roof with four storey rear extension with basement and roof terrace(s) and conversion/re-configuration of fist and second floors to provide a total of 10 flats (4 no. one bedroom/2 person, 3 no. two bedroom/3 person, 2 no. two bedroom/4 person and 1 no. three bedroom/5 person). Retention of public house on ground and basement levels. Landscaping to include access ramp and stairs to the front of the building.BROBromley04/02/22
NLD/5566Craft Beer Co.55-56 White Lion Street London N1 9PP P2022/0200/FULExtension of existing basement for pub storage. Approved 17 March 2022 NLDIslington27/01/22
HOU/6877Prince Albert54-56 Hounslow Road, TwickenhamTW2 7EX21/4393/FULSingle Storey Side Extension to Public Bar.HOURichmond27/01/22
HOU/6797Rose Of York Petersham Road Richmond TW10 6UY22/0195/FULRefurbishment and extension of the Rose of York Public House to provide an additional fifteen guest bedrooms as well as associated landscaping and car parking HOURichmond27/01/22
ELC/110273Trade Union3 Thomas More SquareE1W 1YTPA/22/00048/NC Proposed change of use of ground floor retail unit 2 from drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to flexible use Class E (Commercial, Business and Service)ELACTower Hamlets25/01/22
ESW/10206Lush / If Bar & Restaurant71 Ilford HillIG1 2DG4871/21Existing Change of use from Public House (Sui Generis) to Office and Welfare Facility for a temporary period extended until the end of June 2022.SWERedbridge 24/12/21
HOU/6636O'Riordans Tavern3 High Street, BrentfordTW8 0DXP/2021/4805Demolition of existing public house and erection of three storey building with lower ground floor to create four new dwellings and a community use space.HOUHounslow15/12/21
HOU/6692Old Kings HeadHampton Court Road, Hampton WickKT1 4AE21/4038/FULChange of use of ground floor of the former Old Kings Head public house to a community cycle hub and cafe and 1 bed apartment, and alterations of the first and second floor to replace the existing staff accommodation with three 2 bedroom apartments. The replacement of French doors with balconies and the creation of a roof terrace on the first floor western and southern elevation, and the installation of 2 no. conservation-style rooflights southern and western roof slopes.HOURichmond13/12/21
SEL/10738Beehive60-62 Carter StreetSE17 3EW21/AP/3524Change of use of the ground floor of a public house (Use Class Sui Generis) to residential (Use Class C3) to provide 1x 2bedroom and 1x 1 bedroom units.SELSouthwark22/11/21
WLD/16662George IV Inn30 Portugal StreetWC2A 2HF21/07690/LBCUse of ground floor of 2 Portsmouth Street as public house (sui generis) in connection with existing The George IV public house. Internal alterations to create a new opening between the two buildings. WLDWestminster22/11/21
WLD/16006Old Suffolk Punch80 Fulham Palace RoadW6 9PL2021/03522/FULDemolition of the existing building except retention of existing front and side facades; and erection of a 3 storey plus basement hotel and reprovision of public house. Open for comment iconWLDH&F17/11/21
WLD/16207Orange37 Pimlico RoadSW1W 8NE21/07736/LBCInternal alterations including removal of ground floor walls, relocate modern stair between ground floor and basement, introduction of fixed furniture, new bar to basement, alterations to first floor bar.
NLD/5829British Queen 21 Love LaneN17 8HGHGY/2021/3034Demolition of all above ground buildings and structures in relation to the former British Queen Public House including all necessary ancillary and enabling works.NLDHaringey20/10/21
NLD/6214Metro Bar240-242 Neasden LaneNW10 0AA21/3808Change of use from wine bar (Use Class Sui Generis) to supermarket (Use Class E(a)). Approved 18 Dec 2021NLDBrent19/10/21
NLD/5552Be at One33 Caledonian RoadN1 9BUP2021/2863/FULChange of use of building from sui generis use (drinking establishment) to Class E (commercial, business and service); erection of setback roof extension; amendments to shopfronts, fenestration and architectural detailing; extension of existing building to create new infill façade to Balfe Street at first and second floor; excavation basement extension; and associated works of demolition and refurbishment.NLDIslington16/10/21
SWL/3961Normandy20 Normandy RoadSW9 6JH21/03950/FULChange of use of ground and basement floors from public house (Sui Generis) to a 3-bed dwelling (C3)SWLLambeth12/10/21
MDX/12071Civil Engineer500 Ruislip RoadUB5 6AT216042FULSingle storey side extension to be used as dessert lounge (Use Class E)MDXEaling08/10/21
NLD/5625Victoria 28 North HillN6 4QAHGY/2021/2950Demolition of an existing two storey side extension to the existing pub and the construction of a two storey dwelling to facilitate the creation of a two bedroom residential unit. Internal reconfiguration of the existing pub and the ancillary residential accommodation at first floor with a part single, part two storey rear extension with roof addition over to facilitate a loft conversion and the creation of 2 x self-contained flatsNLDHaringey04/10/21
NLD/5896Duke Of Edinburgh83 Mayes RoadN22 6TNHGY/2021/2807Retention of change of use of public house to Class E(b) (Restaurant)NLDHaringey29/09/21
WLD/15964Nell of Old Drury27 - 29 Catherine Street London WC2B 5JS21/06477/FULLUse of the second and third floors from ancillary Sui Generis (Public House) to Class C3 (Residential) and construction of fourth floor roof extension to create two residential flats (1x 1 bed and 1 x 2 bed flats) and associated external alterations, including installation of an air intake duct and water tank at first floor level, installation of a replacement extract duct, and installation of a new water tank and automatic opening vents at roof level. WLDWestminster21/09/21
NLD/6257Grand Junction ArmsActon LaneNW10 7AD21/3559Refurbishment to public house and garden (Use Class E(b)) to include change of use of hotel rooms on first floor for pub use, creation of new outside seating area's, decking, planting, alterations to boundary treatment and fenestration, internal alterations to basement and second floor managers flat NLDBrent17/09/21
WLD/16394Elgin96 Ladbroke GroveW11 1PYPP/21/05799Internal and external refurbishment: works to entrance doors, internal joinery, and installation of external lighting, umbrellas and awnings.WLDK&C15/09/21
ENF/7236Picture Place128 High Street Enfield EN3 4ES21/03491/CEAChange of use from public house (class Eb) to restaurant (class Eb).ENFEnfield13/09/21
MDX/12116Paddington Packet Boat UB8 2HT1058/APP/2021/3423Demolition of the public house (Sui Generis) and erection of purpose built student accommodation (Sui Generis) comprising 61 no. studio rooms, and associated common areas and facilities, landscaping, amenity space, bicycle and motorcycle parking, and refuse storage.MDXHillingdon9/9/21
WLD/16487Lyric37-38 Great Windmill StreetW1D 7LT21/06216/FULLUse of basement, ground and part first floor of 38 Great Windmill Street as public house in connection with the existing public house at 37 Great Windmill Street. Use of part first floor of 38 Great Windmill Street as a residential store and access to the existing residential flat at second and third floor levels at 37 Great Windmill Street. Installation of a new shopfront to 38 Great Windmill Street.Rejected Nov 2021 but see new app aboveWLDWestminster9/9/21
ENF/7316Railway Hotel40 Station RoadHA8 7AD21/4803/LBCChange of use of existing Ground Floor Sui Generis Pub to Restaurant (E class) with the installation of extraction system ENFBarnet07-Sep
ENF/7324Minstrel Boy156 Colney Hatch LaneN10 1ER21/4820/FULCreation of 3no self-contained flats following ground, first, second, and third floor extensions comprising of flexible Class E and Sui Generis Bar commercial use at ground and basement floor level above and 1no. dwellinghouse to the rear with associated landscaping, car parking and bin and cycle stores . Approved 09 Dec 2021ENFBarnet7/9/21
SEL/11047Suttons Radio139-141 Lewisham High StreetSE13 6AADC/21/122886The change of use of the ground floor from public house to retail useSELLewisham23/08/21
NLD/634006 St Chads Place6 St Chads PlaceWC1X 9HH2021/3681/PChange of use from restaurant/bar (Class E, formerly A3/A4) to a live music and cultural venue with cafe, restaurant, drinking establishment and related activities and events (Sui Generis).NLDCamden10/8/21
SEL/10537Horse And Stables122-4 Westminster Bridge RoadSE1 7RW21/03211/FULExtension of the existing building and part change of use to Class C1 hotel accommodation to provide 32 hotel bedrooms, external alterations to the facade, and associated worksSELLambeth8/8/21
NLD/5541Duchess of Kent72 Prebend StreetN1 8PRP2021/1930/FULRetrospective change of use of first & second floors of former public house (sui generis) to apart-hotel (Use Class C1). NLDIslington30-Jul
HOU/6668Royal OakHam StreetTW10 7HN21/2441/FULChange of use (to C3) of former Royal Oak Public House. Erection of a first floor rear extension and associated glazed link, minor alterations to ground floor, and alterations to existing facades to create 1 x 3 bedroom dwellinghouse with 2 x off-street parking spaces and associated cycle parking.HOURichmond27/07/21
SEL/10733Bananas Bar (formerly Liam Og's; Liam Og's Tavern; Rock)374 Walworth RoadSE17 2NF21/AP/2650Change of use from Use Class Sui generis (drinking establishment) to Use Class E (display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food); and alterations to the existing glazing. SELSouthwark27/07/21
ENF/7330Bank36 - 38 Friern Barnet Road London N11 1NA21/4208/NACChange of use of basement and ground floor from Public house (Sui Generis) to HMO for up to 4 persons (use class C4) and 2x self contained flatsENFBarnet23/07/21
SEL/13531Knowles of Norwood294 - 298 Norwood Road London SE27 9AF21/02487/FULChange of use from retail (Use Class E(a)) to restaurant/drinking establishments (Use Class E(b) /Sui Generis) at no 296 Norwood Road, including internal alterations to link proposed restaurant/drinking establishments with existing at no 294 Norwood Road, together with enlargement of the rear garden plus new delivery access and provision of refuse storage. SELLambeth23/07/21
ELC/110273Trade Union3 Thomas More Square, LONDON,E1W 1YTPA/21/01677/NCChange of use of part ground floor from sui generis (Pub / drinking establishment) to flexible Class E (Commercial, Business & Service) and non-residential educational (Class F1(a)) | ELCTower Hamlets23/07/21
BEX/028Lord Hill40 Watling Street BexleyheathDA6 7QG21/02371/FULOn Pub Car Park - Erection of five flats comprising 3x 2bed flats, 1x 3bed flat and 1x 1bed flat with undercroft parking, cycle store and bin store. BEXBexley19-Jul
SWL/2981White Hart144 Kingston RdSW19 1LY21/P2565Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a part 5, part 4 storey building comprising 56 residential units (class c3) and commercial units (470sqm), including an internal courtyard podium above servicing areas; and communal amenity space, refuse storage, cycle storage and landscaping. SWLMerton17/07/21
HOU/6719Lord Palmerston112 Staines RoadTW3 3LHP/2021/2826Erection of a flour storey building to provide a public house at ground and basement levels with eight flats on the upper floors including associated amenity space, refuse areas and cycle parking.HOUHounslow12/07/21
HOU/6844Cabbage Patch 67 London RoadTW1 3SZ21/2370/FULPart change of use from "Sui Generis" (public house) to a mixed use of "Sui Generis" (public house) and Use Class F1 (education)HOURichmond14/07/21
ESW/10985EastbrookDagenham Road, RM10 7UP21/01279/LBCListed building consent for works to a listed building:  Construction of a double storey side extension and loft conversionSWEBarking & Dagenham07/07/21
WLD/16773Italian Job13 Devonshire RoadW4 2EUP/2021/2644Change of use of ground floor unit from a drinking establishment to a mixed use of a restaurant with takeaway.HOUHounslow28/06/21
n/aEsquire606 - 608 Barking RoadE13 9JY21/01199/FUProposed redevelopment of site comprising of retention of existing Ground Floor Public House including external alterations and erection of a three-storey building extension to create 3 No. self-contained residential units consisting of 1 x 1 bedroom, 1 x 2 bedrooms and 1 x 3 bedrooms flats. Open for comment iconELACNewham25-Jun
ELC/14922White Swan100 And 108 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1ES21/00454/FULMAJDemolition of 100 and 108 Fetter Lane and construction of a new building for office use (Class E) and a public house comprising a basement level, ground, mezzanine and 12 upper storeys plus roof plant level, creation of a new pedestrian route and pocket square at ground level, ancillary cycle parking, servicing, plant and enabling works. Approved 29 Sep 2021 ELACCity21-Jun
SEL/10834Talma109 Wells Park RoadSE26 6ADDC/21/122201Change of Use of the Talma Public House, 109 Wells Park Road, SE26 (Sui Generis) to the following Use Classes: E(a) Display or retail sale of goods, other than hot food E(c)(i) Financial services, E(c)(ii) Professional services (other than health or medical services), E(e) Provision of medical or health services, together with cycle store and bin storesSELLewisham18-Jun
KIN/6944Cricketers20 Fairfield SouthKT1 2UL21/01903/FULChange of use of vacant drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to accommodate a self-contained 4-bedroom dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) with associated parking provision, landscaping/amenity space, refuse/recycling facilities and cycle storeKINKingston11-Jun
MDX/12160CastleVictoria RoadW3 6UL214465OPDFUThe demolition of the existing public house and the redevelopment of the site to provide a part 32 storey, part 27 storey comprising 462 co-living rooms with associated communal amenity spaces (Sui Generis), a public house (Sui Generis) and associated access, cycle parking, blue badge parking, bin storage and landscaping WMEaling02-Jun
NLD/5755Fountain125 West Green RoadN15 5DEHGY/2021/1653Erection of a first and second storey rear extension to the hotel, including demolition of an existing first floor extension and ground floor extensions and additional skylight and glazed door to the rear of the public house.NLDHaringey11-Jun
NLD/5541Duchess of Kent72 Prebend StreetN1 8PRP2021/1410/FULProposed change of use from public house (Sui Generis) to cafe and juice bar (Use Class E) on ground and lower ground floors. Refused 27 July - The proposal would result in the unjustified loss of public house (Sui Generis floorspace) and insufficient supporting marketing/vacancy evidence demonstrating a lack of demand for public house floor space has been submitted and no exceptional circumstances exist which would justify the loss, the proposed change of use from public house (Sui Generis use) to a cafe/Juice Bar (Class E use). The proposed development is considered to be contrary to policies HC7 of the London Plan 2021, CS14 of the Core Strategy 2011 and DM4.10 of the Development Management Policies 2013NLDIslington09-Jun
WLD/16430Greyhound49 Becklow RoadW12 9ER2021/01879/FUL Change of use of the ground floor from public house (Class Sui Generis) into medical and health services (Class E).APPLICATION WITHDRAWN 26/7/2021 WLDHammersmith & Fulham08-Jun
HOU/6737George114 Twickenham RoadTW7 7DJP/2021/2151Change of use from public house to community centre and Masjid with prayer facilitiesHOUHounslow01-Jun
SEL/10749Who'd 'a' Thought It7 Timbercroft LaneSE18 2SB21/1945/FExtension of public house (following partial demolition) and the construction of 5 terraced dwellings with associated parking and landscaping (public house to be retained).SELGreenwich26-May
SEL/10633Royal Oak London 78 Fitzalan StreetSE11 6QU21/02042/FULChange of use from Public House to Equalities and Community HubSELLambeth24-May
SWL/2926Roebuck84 Ashmole StSW8 1NE21/00977/FULErection of a first floor rear and side extension and change of use from public house (Use Class E) to provide 3 self-contained dwellings (Use Class C3) with private gardens to rear.SWLLambeth17-May
ELC/14791Bangers2 Wilson StreetEC2M 2TE21/00300/FULLChange of use of basement level B1 and part of basement level B2 from Sui Generis to Class E (Office) use; reconfiguration of mansard roof to sixth floor and addition of glazed mezzanine pavilion and external terrace area at roof level (seventh floor); formation of new entrance courtyard on Wilson Street elevation and reinstatement of pavement lights within the site area on Wilson Street; alterations to the ground floor facade on Wilson Street; insertion of new windows on north elevation within existing brickwork panels; alterations to windows on east elevation; new roof terrace atop Eldon Street building; and associated internal alterations and ancillary external works.ELACCity17-May
NLD/6208Green ManSlough LaneNW9 8YG21/1633Demolition of rear extension to pub and erection of a four storey residential building to provide 9 self-contained flats with associated landscaping, reconfigured car parking layout and alterations to vehicular accesses. WITHDRAWN by Applicant 16 JulyNLDBrent13-May
NLD/5524Hanbury33 Linton StreetN1 7DUP2021/1157/FULChange of use of the ancillary accommodation on the upper floors of the existing public house (Sui Generis) (first and second) to result in the creation visitor/guest accommodation (4 no. units) used as ancillary to the main public house use. UPDATE 30 June: REFUSED: The proposal would result in the unjustified loss of public house floorspace (Sui Generis) which would have a detrimental impact on its function and long term viability and the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. No evidence has been provided to demonstrate that the property has been adequately marketed for a period of at least two years, nor has it been demonstrated that exceptional circumstances exist to justify the submission of a market demand analysis. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Policies DM4.10 and DM4.11 of Development Management Policies (2013) and the guidance found within the Arlington Square Conservation Area Design Guidelines.NLDIslington7/5/21
SWL/2896Prince Of Wales186 Battersea Bridge Road SW11 3AE2021/1569Change of use of the ground and lower ground floors from a public house (Sui Generis) to a retail store (Use Class E). APPROVED 20/07/2021SWLWandsworth29-Apr
NLD/5917Cock Tavern23 Phoenix RdNW1 1HB2021/1085/PChange of use of first floor level of public house (Use Class Sui Generis) to residential (Use Class C3) to provide one self-contained flat and internal alterations to the existing flats. Relocation of public house kitchen facilities at basement level, including associated ventilation and extract. NLDCamden26/04/21
MDX/11966Thirsty Eddie's412 High Road, WembleyHA9 6AH21/1006Change of use of ground floor from public house to restaurant (Use class E(b)) including new service door and window to side elevation and installation of extract flue to rear. GRANTED 18 JuneWMBrent26-Apr
ELC/14448Gardeners Arms,18 Burnside AvenueE4 8YJ210998Change of use of ground floor public house (Class D1) to commercial use (Class E), construction of part first floor rear extension to create a 1 x 1-bedroom flat, with associated refuse and recycle storage at lower ground floor, and roof terrace to second floor.ELACWaltham Forest26-Apr
BEX/073Lord Kitchener21 Wrotham Road, WellingDA16 1LS21/00724/FULMChange of use of the ground floor of the existing public house (Sui Generis) to retail (Class E), conversion of the existing first and second floor and the erection of a two storey (with accommodation in the roof) rear extension to provide 19 apartments comprising of 10 x 2 bed and 9 x 1 bed apartments with associated car and cycle parking. (RE-SUBMISSION OF PREVIOUS REF. 19/01997/FULM).BEXBexley23-Apr
n/aSportsmans Sports And Leisure Club5 Moat Lane ErithDA8 2ND21/00715/FULDemolition of existing building and erection of a two storey residential block comprising 2 x 1 bed and 7 x 2 bed apartments with associated refuse and cycle store, landscaping and parking.BEXBexley22-Apr
ELC/110215Orford House Social Club73 Orford RoadE17 9QLLC/110215Change of use from drinking establishment (Class A4) to drinking establishment, café/restaurant/takeaway, social club, gallery, events space, workspace, and retail unit (mixed use class E, F1, F2 and sui generis) and Listed Building ConsentELACWaltham Forest20-Apr
SWL/3985SW911 Dorrell PlaceSW9 8EG21/01127/FULDemolition and redevelopment of 1 - 9 Dorrell Place together with change of use of upper floors of 452 - 456 Brixton Road and basement and first floors of 11 Dorrell Place with restoration and repair works to retained facades and two storey side extension to 11 Dorrell Place to provide a 96 bedroom hotel in a part two, part three, part five storey building (Use Class C1), retention of front facade and refurbishment of existing retail unit (Use Class E(a)) at basement and ground floor levels at 452 - 456 Brixton Road and installation of new shopfronts at ground floor level, retention of existing public house (sui generis)) at basement and ground floor levels at 11 Dorrell Place and associated cycle parking, plant, refuse store and landscaping works.SWLLambeth16-Apr
WLD/16598Pomona's47 Hereford RoadW2 5AH21/02419/FULLUse of part of first floor of Public House as hotel accommodationWLDWestminster14-Apr
ELC/100182RnR (Wine Bar)225 Chingford Mount RoadE4 8LP210983Alterations including construction of temporary wooden structure for outdoor seating at shop front, installation of external extractor at rear elevation, replacement of ground floor rear elevation windows with a single window and door, removal of ground floor side elevation windows, replacement of window at shopfront with double window and access door, replacement of first floor windows with UPVC windows, and replacement of one window at first floor rear elevation with French doors and safety railings, all in connection to change of use of ground floor drinking establishment (Sui Generis) to Drinking establishment and restaurant (Mixed used A3/Sui Generis), and upper floor from drinking establishment to 1 x 2-bedroom flat (Class C3). APPROVED 25 MayELACWaltham Forest06-Apr
SEL/10686Montpelier43 Choumert RoadSE15 4AR21/AP/0950Construction of ground floor extension to public houseSWLLewisham18-Mar
ENF/7488T J I FridaysPentavia Retail Park Watford WayNW7 2ET21/1417/PNDDemolition of existing buildings | Pentavia Retail Park Watford Way London NW7 2ETENFBarnet16-Mar
WLD/16050White Horse & Bower86 Horseferry RoadSW1P 2EE21/01669/FULLErection of infill extension at first to third floors on Monck Street frontage to rear of public house and conversion of upper floors above the public house to provide five residential units comprising 1x 3 bedroom unit, 2x 1 bedroom units and 2x studio units. WLDWestminster16-Mar
NLD/5613Gunners204 Blackstock RoadN5 1ENP2021/0446/FULRenovation of the existing public house to include the erection of a mansard roof extension, demolition of existing single storey rear extensions and erection of 4-storey building to rear plus basement. The development will provide additional Class A4 public house space, a new flexible Class E (retail or office) commercial unit and 8 no. residential dwellings together with the retained Class A4 public house accommodation.NLDIslington10-Mar
SEL/11286Noah's Castle229 DEPTFORD HIGH STREET, LONDON, SE8 3NTDC/21/120773Reinstatement and re-development of the demolished building at 229 Deptford High Street SE8, to deliver three-storey with mansard roof mixed-use development comprising 223sqm of flexible commercial floorspace on the ground floor (Use Class E) and five self-contained residential flats (3x 1B/2P; 2x 2B/3P) on the upper floors (Use Class C3) together with cycle parking, refuse storage and all other associated works.SELLewisham10-Mar
WLD/16185Phoenix14 Palace StreetSW1E 5JA21/01478/FULLAlterations to public house including first floor rear extension, new terrace with pergola over, erection of food hoist in brick enclosure, new fire escape stair to rear and new kitchen extract duct and associated plant equipment at roof level.WLDWestminster10-Mar
HOU/6690Windmill80 Windmill RoadTW12 1QU21/0772/FULConversion of pub to a single dwelling. Creation of 3 family homes in the car parkHOURichmond upon Thames08-Mar
ESW/10251Amalia's / Inner Secrets48 High Street RM1 1JJP0422.21Change of Use from Sui Generis (Nightclub) to Use Class C3 for conversion of ground floor to 1 x 2-bed and 1 x 1-bed self contained flatsESWHavering05-Mar
HOU/6764Fox & Duck194 Petersham RoadTW10 7AD21/0078/FULPart Demolition of ground floor side elevation and erection of single storey side and rear extension.HOURichmond upon Thames01-Mar
SWL/2752 East Hill 21 Alma Road SW18 1AA 2021/0907 Retention of the public house on the basement and ground floor and the conversion of the upper floors to provide eight self-contained high quality zero carbon technology residential units (five x studio, two x 1-bed 2-person flat, and one x 2-bed 3-person flat).SWL Wandsworth 25-Feb
SWL/3987Telegraph228 Brixton HillSW2 1HE21/00559/FULChange of use from public house (Use Class A4) to church community centre (Use Class D1). (Retrospective application). SWLLambeth10-Feb
WLD/16406Academy57 Princedale RoadW11 4NPPP/21/00816Retention of public house at basement and ground floor. Alterations and erection of three storey infill extension, basement extension and change of use of first and second floor of public house from Class A4 (drinking establishments) to Class C3 (dwelling houses) to provide 5 residential dwellings.WLDKensington and Chelsea09-Feb
MDX/12059Adam & Eve830 Uxbridge RdUB4 0RR1078/APP/2021/259Change of use of existing first floor residential unit above public house to 9-bedroom House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) including replacement of existing PVCu windows. (Re-submission)MDXHillingdon21-Jan
ENF/7238Boundary House1 High StreetEN3 4EJ21/00179/FULChange of use from pub and restaurant (A3/A4) to pub, restaurant and shisha bar (Sui Generis) involving side decking area, folding canopy and wooden flowerbed. GRANTED 8 April 2021ENFEnfield20-Jan
MDX/11961Masons Arms75 High StreetHA8 7DDP/0197/21Single storey front extension; replacement gates and door to front elevation (retrospective)MDXHarrow18-Jan
NLD/5686Two Brewers109 Roman WayN7 8URP2020/3091/FULDemolition of the existing building and erection of a new four storey plus basement building to provide a Public House with apartments on first, second and third floor levels. REFUSED 1 March REASON: The proposal fails to provide details of plant to the ground or basement floors or sufficient realistic detail in relation to the control of noisy public house related activities and mitigation for the residential occupiers of the building. This, in combination with the need to protect residential amenity to the proposed flats on upper floor, is likely to result in an unviable and compromised public house in the short, medium and long terms. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies 3.1B and 4.8 of the London Plan 2016 and policies DM2.1 Part A(xi), DM3.7 and DM4.10 of the Development Management Policies 2013.NLDIslington12-Jan
NLD/5519William IV7 Shepherdess WalkN1 7QE2021/0064Change of use at first and second floor levels from Public House (Sui Generis) to flexible use as two self-contained residential units (Use Class C3) or Public House (Sui Generis). NLDHackney11-Jan
SEL/10897Antigallican428 Woolwich RoadSE7 8SU21/0121/FChange of Use from Hotel (Use Class C1) to a 49 shared living units HMO (Use Class Sui Generis), whilst retaining Public House at ground floor level (Use Class C4) as amendment to planning permission dated 29/05/2019 Ref: 18/2673/F for Demolition of existing single storey projection from east elevation and construction of a 3-storey side extension and a rooftop extension. WITHDRAWN 26 March. Existing application being proceeded with.SELGreenwich11-Jan
WLD/16089Audley43 Mount StreetW1K 2RX20/08344/FULLNEW APP - Use of the basement, ground and first floor as a public house, and the second, third and fourth floors as meeting rooms / events space (Sui Generis). External alterations including installation of replacement windowpanes at second and fourth floor levels, replacement of windows with louvres at rear third floor level; installation of plant at main roof level and at rear second floor level within an enclosure with green roof. Installation of platform hoist and vent grilles in the Mount Street lightwell and a new high level extract duct at rear second and third floor levels to terminate at roof level. WLDWestminster29-Dec
ENF/7438Railway19-20 Market SquareN9 0TZ20/04187/OUTHYBRID PLANNING APPLICATION for the following: DETAILED planning application for Phase 1, for the demolition of the existing car park, access road and parking ramp that serves the roof of 1 West Mall, Edmonton, London N9 0AL (Asda) building and structures for erection of mixed-use buildings providing ground floor flexible commercial use floorspace (Use Class E), residential units (Use Class C3), infrastructure landscaped amenity space, car parking, cycle parking and associated works; and a phased OUTLINE planning application (Phases 2 -4) (all matters reserved) for the balance of the site for: 1. The proposed demolition of buildings and structures; 2. The erection of buildings, including tall buildings, and works of alteration to existing buildings for the following uses: a) Flexible Commercial Floorspace (Use Class E); b) Bars/drinking establishments, Hot Food Takeaways and Leisure Uses (Use Class Sui Generis); c) Covered Market (Use Class E); d) Community and Leisure (Use Classes F1 and F2); e) Residential Floorspace and the remodelling of existing residential entrance space for Grampian, Mendip and Pennine Houses (Use Class C3); 3. Associated infrastructure; 4. Streets, open spaces, landscaping and public realm; 5. Car, motorcycle and bicycle parking spaces and delivery/servicing spaces; 6. Utilities including electricity substations; and 7. Other works incidental to the proposed development. An Environmental Statement, including a non-technical summary, also accompanies the planning application in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 (as amended)). | Edmonton Green Shopping Centre And Adjoining Land (bounded By Fore Street/The Broadway, Hertford Road, Monmouth Road And Plevna Road), Enfield, N9 0TZENFEnfield23-Dec
MDX/12128Hut2 Old Orchard CloseUB8 3LH19186/APP/2020/4291Demolition of a single storey building and development of four x 1 bed two storey residential units.MDXHillingdon23-Dec
HOU/6783Richmond Club115-117 Kew RoadTW9 2PN20/3762/FULTHE CHANGE OF USE FROM PUBLIC HOUSE TO COMMERCIAL PROPRIETARY CLUB. APPROVED 17/03/2021.HOURichmond upon Thames22-Dec
NLD/6127Alliance40 Mill LaneNW6 1NR2020/5683/PPartial conversion of ground and lower ground floor to provide 2 self-contained residential flats (Class C3); provision of a community room within retained public house (sui generis); and external alterations comprising replacement of existing windows and creation of new window openings. NLDCamden18-Dec
WLD/16018Oyster RoomsUnit 3, First Floor, Fulham Broadway Shopping CentreSW6 1AA2020/03373/FULChange of use from drinking establishments (Use Class Sui Generis) into a flexible use within Class E (retail, restaurants and Cafes, offices) of restaurant Unit 3 located in the Fulham Broadway Retail Centre. APPROVED 10 MayWLDHammersmith and Fulham17-Dec
ELC/15009Hack & Hop35 Whitefriars StreetEC4Y 8BH20/00997/FULEIADemolition of existing buildings, comprising 69-71 Fleet Street, 72-78 Fleet Street (Chronicle House), 80-81 Fleet Street, 8 Salisbury Court, 1 Salisbury Square, 35 Whitefriars Street (Hack and Hop public house), 36-38 Whitefriars Street, and 2-6 Salisbury Square (Fleetbank House); b) Part demolition of 2-7 Salisbury Court (Grade II) and carrying out of works including remodelling at roof level, formation of new facade to south elevation, part new facade to west elevation and new core and part new floors. Part replacement fenestration, new plant and other works associated with change of use to drinking establishment with expanded food provision (sui generis); c) Erection of three new buildings: 1. A combined court building (Class F1) 2. A police headquarters building (sui generis); and 3. A commercial building including offices, retail and cycle hub (Class E) d) Creation of shared basement for emergency response vehicles, parking, mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP), and ancillary functions associated with the three new buildings, with ingress and egress from Whitefriars Street; e) Public realm and highway works, including enlarged Salisbury Square, landscaping, access and servicing arrangements, new pedestrian routes, hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) measures, and bicycle and vehicle parking; f) Dismantling, relocation and reconstruction of Grade II listed Waithman obelisk within Salisbury Square; g) Other associated and ancillary works and structures. This application has been submitted alongside two applications for listed building consent (20/00996/LBC and 20/00998/LBC).. ELACCity16-Dec
MDX/11922Arens Bar & Grill (at the Six Bells)Duck Hills RoadHA4 7TP14387/APP/2020/4126Proposed barn extension to provide an extended dining area at ground floor and 8 no. guest rooms at first floor, adding a guest house use to the existing public house/restaurant to create a mixed use (Sui Generis), with associated works and landscaping.MDXHillingdon15-Dec
SEL/10918Royal185 Court RoadSE9 4UG20/3840/F Single storey extension with part fixed glass, part retractable roofs and part flat roof to the front and two sides of the public house and landscaping, parking, refuse/recycle storage, boundary fencing details and external ducting/flue to the side elevation. | ROYAL TAVERN, 185 COURT ROAD, ELTHAM, LONDON, SE9 4UGSELGreenwich14-Dec
NLD/6038Mcgoverns147 Cricklewood BroadwayNW2 3HY20/4102First and second floor rear extension and roof alterations to facilitate 5 bedroom ancillary accommodation to Public House, cycle and waste storage to first floor rear and frosted windows to front elevation.NLDBrent11-Dec
SEL/10430Montague Arms289 Queens RoadSE15 2PADC/20/119425Demolition of existing building and erection of 4 storey building plus roof space at 289 Queens Road SE15 to provide a Pub (A4 Use Class) on basement and ground floor, office (B1 Use) on ground floor and 9 self-contained flats above.(SELLewisham01-Dec