London Drinker Magazine
Every two months, the London Branches of CAMRA produce the London Drinker magazine normally distributed free of charge to pubs across London. On-line versions of the magazine are available here, visit the London Drinker Archive, for older issues.
London Drinker is published by
the London Branches of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale Limited, and edited by Tony Hedger.
Material for publication should preferably be sent by e-mail to moc.liamg@regdeh.swendl Correspondents unable to send letters to the editors electronically may post them to Stan Tompkins at ,52 Rabbs Mill House, Chiltern View Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2PD . Press releases should be sent by email to moc.liamg@regdeh.swendl
Pub Updates
This has moved to the Pub Updates page.
Subscriptions (UK only)
£9.00 for mailing of 6 editions or £17 for 12 editions should be sent to Stan Tompkins, 52 Rabbs Mill House, Chiltern View Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 2PD (cheques payable to CAMRA London).
Our advertising rates are as follows: Whole page £345 (colour) £275 (mono) Half page £210 (colour), £155 (mono) Quarter page £115 (colour), £90 (mono) Phone John Galpin now on 020 3287 2966, Mobile 07508 036835 moc.liamg@aidemniplagnhoj
Views expressed in this publication are those of their individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor or the Campaign for Real Ale Limited.