London Region

Hammersmith Belle

227 King Street
W6 9JT
Emailku.oc.stnaruatserdnasbupelleb@htimsremmah Telephone(020) 8748 3391
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenAccommodationLunchtime MealsEvening MealsDisabled AccessSmokingFunction RoomDog FriendlySports TVWiFi
Opening times: Mon–Wed 08:00-23:00; Thu–Sat 08:00-24:00; Sun 08:00-23:00

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

The former Hampshire Hog has morphed into the Hammersmith Belle, a bright and glitzy sports pub with the main bar dominated by a gigantic TV screen, one of thirteen showing a variety of sports. It is now part of the small London-based Belle chain and is decorated with their signature red and pink silk roses on the walls and artificial grass on the ceiling. There is a striking black and white chequered floor and much use is made of mirrors and other glass to enhance the lighting. The grand fireplace at the rear survives.

The bar accommodates numerous keg beer and cider taps and one changing real ale on handpump. There is an extensive food menu with the focus being on burgers and, on Sundays, roasts. Breakfast is offered from the 8am opening time until 11.30am, but note that alcohol cannot be served until 10am.