Moon Under Water
28 Leicester SquareLondon

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The first West End Wetherspoon pub to open, in June 1992 in a former steak bar. The Moon Under Water (taking its name from the now Montague Pyke around the corner in Charing Cross Road), offers a good range of ales in the heart of the West End. It's a narrow-fronted pub with a small outside drinking/smoking area on Leicester Square. Inside, a long and busy bar area with a family area at the rear is home to a very cosmopolitan/tourist clientele. The eight handpumps often offer some interesting guest beers, but note that prices in this tourist area will be higher than normal for a 'Spoons. Chairman Tim Martin was quoted at the end of 2022 as saying that rent and rates on this one site approached £1 million per year. Note that under the terms of the premises licence alcoholic drinks may not be purchased before 10am Monday to Saturday or noon on Sunday.