London Region

Red Barn

Barnehurst Road
Emailmoc.sbupetagenots@tsruhenrab.nrabder Telephone(01322) 335216
Real AleGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsGamesParkingSmokingFunction RoomSports TVLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu 12:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 12:00-24:00; Sun 12:00-23:00
Regular beers: Fuller's London Pride, Sharp's Doom Bar, Wychwood Hobgoblin Ruby

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

This pub, the only one in Barnehurst until April 2018, was built in 1936 when the ‘Barnehurst Estate’ started to be developed. It’s known for introducing trad jazz to the UK through George Webb and Humphrey Lyttelton in the 1940s. The Red Barn is a fair size though not huge, and is located at Barnehurst station. It's mostly a locals' and commuters' pub and has a beer garden. It’s adjacent to a cluster of shops just off the main Bexleyheath to Erith road.